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Oak Crest Estates MHP LLC,
The Estate of James Ball; Heirs-at-Law of James Ball; unknown Heirs-at-Law or Devisees of James Ball, Deceased; their Heirs, Personal Representatives, Administrators, Successors, and Assigns, and all other persons entitled to claim through them; The Estate of Lee McKee; Heirs-at-Law of Lee McKee; unknown Heirs-at-Law or Devisees of Lee McKee, Deceased; their Heirs, Personal Representatives, Administrators, Successors, and Assigns, and all other persons entitled to claim through them; all unknown owners, unknown heirs or unknown devisees of any deceased person, or by any such designation; all unknown persons with any right, title or interest in the property described herein, being a class designated at Jane Doe; also any persons who may be in the military service of the United States of America, being a class designated as John Doe; and any unknown minors or persons under a Disability being a class designated as Richard Roe;
Defendants. 24-CVD-878
TO THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVE-NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to said Complaint on the person whose names are subscribed below at One North Main Street, 2nd Floor, Greenville, South Carolina 29601, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service. Your Answer must be in writing and signed by you or your attorney and must state your address or the address of your attorney, if signed by your attorney. If you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for judgment by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Complaint in the above-captioned action was filed in the Henderson County Clerk of Court’s Office on May 13, 2024, and the Amended Complaint was filed in the Henderson County Clerk of Court’s Office on July 23, 2024. Copies of the Complaint and Amended Complaint are available for review and inspection by all interested persons. Respectfully submitted.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that there has been filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Hendersonville County an Order Appointing Athena F. Brooks, Esq., whose address is 285 E. Allen Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792, as Guardian Ad Litem Nisi. This appointment becomes absolute thirty (30) days after the service of the Notice and publication of the Amended Summons herein, unless you or someone on your behalf shall, before the expiration of the thirty (30) days after the service hereof, procure to be appointed for you a Guardian Ad Litem to represent your interests in this action. s/ William C. McKinney William C. McKinney, N.C. ID No.: 46254 Email: Alexandra C. Glunt, N.C. ID No.: 60709 Email: William D. Smith, N.C. ID No.: 61488 Email: HAYNSWORTH SINKLER BOYD, P.A. One North Main Street, 2nd Floor (29601) Post Office Box 2048 Greenville, SC 29602 (864) 240-3200 (864) 240-3300
This matter comes before the Court on Oak Crest’s Motion to Appoint Guardian Ad Litem Nisi and for an Order for Service by Publication, through which Oak Crest seeks to appoint Athena F. Brooks, Esq. as Guardian Ad Litem Nisi for the Defendants all unknown owners, unknown heirs or unknown devisees of any deceased person, or by any such designation; all unknown persons with any right, title or interest in the real estate described herein, being a class designated at Jane Doe; also any persons who may be in the military service of the United States of America, being a class designated as John Doe; and any unknown minors or persons under a Disability being a class designated as Richard Roe (collectively the “Unknown and Doe Defendants”). It appearing that some or all of the Unknown and Doe Defendants are or may be residents or non-residents of the State of North Carolina, minors, incompetent, imprisoned, under legal disability, or in the military service, and that the Unknown and Doe Defendants are unknown to Oak Crest and cannot with reasonable diligence be located or their whereabouts ascertained; It further appearing that Athena F. Brooks, Esq. is a suitable and competent person to understand and protect all rights and interests of the Unknown and Doe Defendants, and that Athena F. Brooks, Esq. has no interest adverse to the interests of the Unknown and Doe Defendants and is not connected in business with Oak Crest or its counsel;
1. Athena F. Brooks, Esq. is hereby appointed Guardian Ad Litem Nisi on behalf of the Unknown and Doe Defendants, the same being fictitious names used for the true names of all unknown persons, claiming any right, title, estate, interest in or lien upon the Mobile Home, their heirs and assigns; all other persons, firms, or corporations entitled to claim under, by, or through any of the defendants; and all other persons or entities unknown claiming any right, title, interest, estate in, or lien upon, the Mobile Home, some or all of whom are or may be residents or non-residents of the State of North Carolina, minors, incompetent, imprisoned, under legal disability, or in the military service.
2. Athena F. Brooks, Esq. is empowered and directed to appear on behalf of and to represent the Unknown and Doe Defendants, unless any one of them, or someone on behalf of any one of them, shall, within thirty (30) days after service of a copy hereof as directed, procure the appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem.
3. A copy of this Order shall be served upon the Unknown and Doe Defendants by publication in the Hendersonville Lightning, a newspaper of general circulation published in Henderson County, North Carolina, once a week for three consecutive weeks, together with the Amended Summons, Notice of Filing Complaint, and Notice of Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem in this action. s/ William C. McKinney William C. McKinney, N.C. ID No.: 46254 Email: Alexandra C. Glunt, N.C. ID No.: 60709 Email: William D. Smith, N.C. ID No.: 61488 Email: HAYNSWORTH SINKLER BOYD, P.A. One North Main Street, 2nd Floor (29601) Post Office Box 2048 Greenville, SC 29602 (864) 240-3200 (864) 240-3300 February 19, 2025.
3/05, 12, 19
The North Carolina Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children
(WIC) is a nutrition program that helps families stay healthy!
The WIC program provides supplemental foods, nutrition education, Breastfeeding support & resources for families.
To be eligible for the WIC program in Henderson County, the applicant must be:
1. A pregnant, breastfeeding or postpartum woman; infant; or child under age 5-years.
2. Currently living in North Carolina.
3. Within the financial eligibility guidelines established by North Carolina or receive Medicaid or Food Stamps.
4. At Nutritional Risk.
The Henderson County Health Department WIC Program is particularly interested in the participation of pregnant or breastfeeding women and infants.
If you think you are eligible for the WIC Program contact the Henderson County Department of Public Health 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville, NC 28792
or call 692-4223.
The office hours are 8:00 to 4:30 Monday through Friday.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is an equal opportunity provider.
2nd Listing
Henderson County is soliciting services from qualified architects to provide architectural programming and design services, for the Blue Ridge Community College Facilities Building, in Hendersonville, NC. Sealed responses to the Request for Qualifications shall be received until 3:00 PM on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024, and sent to: Bryan Rhodes, Capital Projects Construction Manager, 100 North King Street Suite 204, Hendersonville NC 28792. Five (5) copies of the proposal should be signed by an authorized official and mailed or delivered in a sealed envelope to the address above. The envelopes should be clearly marked, “RFQ FOR ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAMMING AND DESIGN SERVICES FOR BLUE RIDGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACILITIES BUILDING” and indicate the name of the firm. The overall project scope will include designs that address all necessary programming of all building systems components including but not limited to HVAC, plumbing, electrical, structural, interior, and exterior finishes, and parking, associated with a yet to be finalized design criteria and scope. A part of the architectural scope will be the necessary programming with Henderson County and Blue Ridge Community College, in order to provide a proposed design with cost estimates and schedules for approval. Although the exact cost for this project is yet to be determined, it is estimated to be 8-10 million dollars. Pursuant to General Statutes of North Carolina Sections 143-128 and 143-131 as well as 2 CFR 200.321 of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, the County encourages and provides equal opportunity for Certified Minority and Women- Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) businesses to participate in all aspects of the County’s contracting and procurement programs. For Disadvantaged Business Enterprise requirements, see Minority Business Participation Guidelines Posted under Doing Business with Henderson County at All submitters are hereby notified that they shall be properly licensed under the state laws and comply with all aspects of North Carolina Law and Henderson County Policies. Interested firms should review all requirements of the RFQ as posted on the Henderson County website @
10/16, 23
#R-2024-04, Stoney Mountain Road)
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing for a proposed map amendment to the Official Zoning Map of Henderson County, North Carolina.
Rezoning Application #R-2024-04, initiated on July 23rd, 2024, requests that the County rezone approximately 2.52 acres of land from the City of Hendersonville R-20 district to the Residential One (R1) zoning district. The zoning map amendment application is for a portion of PIN: 9650-90-0668 with access from Stoney Mountain Road (SR 1383). On August 1st, 2024, the City of Hendersonville City Council approved a request to remove the 2.52 acres of land from the City of Hendersonville’s Extra Territorial Jurisdiction. Per G.S. 160D-202, the county must rezone this portion of the parcel before it is relinquished from the city’s jurisdiction. The County’s R1 zoning district is the most comparable to the City’s R-20 zoning district and it already exists on the majority of the parcel. The property owner is CMH Homes Inc., and Henderson County initiated the application.
The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024, at 5:30 PM, in the Board of Commissioners Meeting Room in the Henderson County Historic Courthouse at 1 Historic Courthouse Square in Hendersonville, NC. The public is invited to attend and comment on the proposed amendment.
Written comments addressed to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Suite 1, Hendersonville, NC 28792, will be accepted prior to the hearing. Information about the proposed amendment is available for review in the Henderson County Planning Department, 100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC, between 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, or on the Henderson County Website at For more information, call the Planning Department at (828) 697-4819.
Please note that after considering public hearing comments, the Board of Commissioners may discuss other options or make changes to the proposed amendments before taking final action. The Henderson County Comprehensive Plan may be updated and amended, as necessary, to reflect the action of the Board of Commissioners.
Denisa Lauffer
Clerk to the Board
Henderson County Board of Commissioners
8/21, 8/28
TowerCom IV-B, LLC and BA Mobile Systems LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) are proposing to build a 119‐foot Monopole Telecommunication Tower located at New Airport Road, Arden, Buncombe County, NC 28732 (35° 25' 26.318" North, -82°31' 53.922" West). Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30-days from the date of this publication to T. Underwood, Terracon, 2105 Newpoint Place, Suite 600, Lawrenceville, GA 30043; 770-623-0755; Reference Terracon Project No. 49247122.
Henderson County will accept sealed bids for the furnishing of (10) new, on the lot police sedans as specified until 3:00 PM EST, Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at the Henderson County Finance Department, 113 North Main Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792 where the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be sealed and visibly labeled as “Henderson County: 10 on the Lot Police Sedans (Rebid)”. The vehicles must conform to the specifications provided and will be awarded based upon the lowest responsive responsible bidder standard. A copy of the bid package may be obtained from the Henderson County Finance Department between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays, or on Henderson County’s website at Bidders with questions regarding vehicle specifications and/or the bid process should contact Doug Guffey, Purchasing Agent, at 828-694-5023. Henderson County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids received, or to select the bid which, in our opinion, is in the best overall interest of the County.
Doug Guffey,
Purchasing Agent
Henderson County
Finance Department
The Mills River Town Council will hold a Public Hearing at Mills River Town Hall on Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 6:30 PM to hear public comment on the Go Mills River Pedestrian & Bicycle Plan. The public is invited to attend and offer comment. This public hearing will also be accessible to the public via electronic means. Specifics to attend remotely are available at The Mills River Code of Ordinances is available at Detailed information is available for review upon request.
Patty Brown,
Deputy Town Clerk
Mills River, NC
Henderson County will accept sealed bids for main library façade repairs and window replacement as specified until 3:00 PM EST, Friday, June 30, 2023, at the Henderson County Finance Department, 113 North Main Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792. Bids must be sealed and visibly labeled as “Request for Proposals: Main Library Façade Repairs”. The façade repairs and window replacement must conform to the specifications provided and will be awarded based upon the lowest responsive responsible bidder standard. A copy of the bid package may be obtained from the Henderson County Finance Department between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays, or on Henderson County’s website at Bidders with questions regarding specifications or the bid process may be referred to Doug Guffey, Purchasing Agent, at Henderson County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids received, or to select the bid which, in our opinion, is in the best overall interest of the County.
Doug Guffey,
Purchasing Agent
Henderson County
Finance Department
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on a proposed text amendment to the Henderson County Land Development Code (LDC) (#TX-2023-02). The proposed LDC text amendment addresses primitive camping.
Before adopting the proposed text amendments to the LDC, the Board of Commissioners must hold a public hearing. The public hearing will be held Wednesday, June 28, 2023, at 9:30 a.m., in the Board of Commissioners Meeting Room located in the Henderson County Historic Courthouse, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville. The public is invited to attend and comment on the proposed text amendments.
Written comments addressed to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Suite 1, Hendersonville, NC 28792, will be accepted prior to the hearing. Information about the proposed text amendments is available for review in the Henderson County Planning Department, 100 N. King St., Hendersonville, NC, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, or on the Henderson County Website at under the Board of Commissioners Agenda Items. For more information, please contact the Planning Department at (828) 697-4819 or by email:
Please note that after considering public hearing comment, the Board of Commissioners may discuss other options or modify the proposed text amendments before taking final action.
Denisa Lauffer
Clerk to the Board
Henderson County Board of Commissioners
6/14, 21
The Mills River Town Manager has presented the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget to Town Council and a public hearing will be held on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. at the
Mills River Town Hall to hear comment. The budget is available for inspection in the Office of the Town Clerk. It is also on the Town’s website at
Budget Summary
Fund: General Fund
Amount: $9,468,711
Susan L. Powell, MMC, NCCMC
Town Clerk
Mills River, NC
The following is to serve as notice that Henderson County has modified the bid due date for the purchase and installation of a generator as specified. Sealed bids shall be received until 3:00PM EST, Friday, January 27, 2023, at the Henderson County Finance Department, 113 N Main St, Hendersonville, NC 28792 where the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. A copy of the bid package may be obtained from the Henderson County Finance Department between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays, or on Henderson County’s website at Bidders with questions regarding the bid process or specifications may be referred to Doug Guffey, Purchasing Agent, at 828-694-5023. Henderson County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids received, or to select the bid which, in our opinion, is in the best overall interest of the County.
Doug Guffey,
Purchasing Agent
Henderson County
Finance Department
Henderson County is seeking proposals and funding applications from agencies and organizations to provide aging services in conjunction with the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services – Division of Aging Home and Community Care Block Grant Program. Services eligible for funding include:
• Adult Day Care and Adult Day Health Programs
• Care Management
• Congregate Nutrition
• Health Promotion and
Disease Prevention
• Health Screening
• Skilled Home Care
• Housing and Home
• Information and
Case Assistance
• In-Home Aide
• Mental Health
• Respite Care
• Senior Companions
• Senior Center
• Transportation
• Volunteer Program
• Client Directed Services
The funding period is July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Proposals will be accepted through MARCH 3, 2023.
Proposals must include a completed Proposal Summary and a Proposed Budget. Forms and instructions for completion may be obtained: 1) at the address indicated below 2) by visiting the Henderson County website – under the County Manager’s Office, or 3) by requesting the documents from Sonya Flynn at Agencies may be requested to attend an interview with the Home and Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee. Follow-up questions by the Committee will be communicated in writing to the agency and responses will be received from the agency in a like manner. Any supporting information should be submitted as a part of the Proposal.
Proposals should be submitted to:
Henderson County
HCCBG Advisory
Attention: Sonya Flynn, Budget Manager
1 Historic Courthouse Square, Suite 2
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Henderson County has received an offer from Robert Riffle to purchase the following described real estate previously foreclosed for nonpayment of Henderson County taxes and now owned by the County:
The real property is located in Greens on Hoopers Creek Subdivision, off Jackson Road near the Town of Fletcher, in Henderson County. The property is shown on the County’s GIS system as “FORECLOSED-VACANT COMMON AREA PLSLD-3690”, with real estate identification number 9968247 (PIN 9662794202), and with a tax value of $6,300.00. The real property was acquired by the County by instrument recorded in Book 1489, at Page 98, of the Henderson County Registry.
The offered price is the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00).
If the final sale is approved by the Board of Commissioners, a quitclaim deed, conveying only such interest as the County may own in the property by virtue of a foreclosure as a result of unpaid taxes, will be issued, and that there will be no refund of the purchase price in the event of a failure of title.
Any prospective purchaser may file an increased bid with the County Attorney's Office within ten (10) days from the date of publication of this notice. If an increased bid is filed the bid now on file with the County must be raised by not less than ten percent (10%) of the first $1,000 thereof plus five percent (5%) of the remainder thereof. The increased bid must be accompanied by a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the increased bid, or $500.00, whichever is greater, plus the actual cost of advertising the increased bid.
These monies must be paid to the County at the time said raised bid is filed. If an increased bid is filed, the property will again be advertised for sale. Any prospective purchaser will be required to sign a release m favor of the County as part of the consideration for the purchase of the property. If no increased bid is filed within ten (10) days from date of this publication, the bid which is now on file will go before the Board of Commissioners for final review.
Published this the 18th day of January, 2023.
Denisa Lauffer
Clerk to the Board of Commissioners
The public will take notice that the Town Council of Laurel Park has called a public hearing at 9:30 A.M. on February 10, 2022, on the question of voluntary annexing the following property, requested by petition by Troy and Victoria McMurray filed pursuant to G. S. 160A-31.
Property is located on US Highway 64 and Windsor Drive, Henderson County PIN # 9559-70-4626 owned by Troy Alan McMurray and Edna Victoria McMurry containing 2.99 acres.
Tamara Amin, CMC Town Clerk
Notice is hereby given that the Fletcher Town Council will hold a public hearing on Monday December 13, 2021 at 6:00 PM. The purpose of this hearing is to consider economic development incentives for a project currently known as Project Smile. The company bringing this project is considering making a capital investment of $11,500,000 and creating 96 new jobs. The Town of Fletcher will consider economic incentives up to $72,393.75 over a six year period. The hearing will be held at Fletcher Town Hall located at 300 Old Cane Creek Road Fletcher, NC. Please call the Town Manager’s office at 687-3985 with any questions.
The Henderson County Sheriff’s Office has unclaimed property some of which may belong to the below listed individuals. This property has been held the required length of time according to NC General Statutes 15-8, 15-11.1, 15-11.2, and 15-12 as appropriate. If you are one of the listed individuals and can identify any item(s), or if you believe any of the unclaimed item(s) belong to you, contact the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office Evidence and Property Section at 828-694-3139, Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm. Contact must be made within 30 days of this publication. Proof of ownership will be required to claim any of the listed items. All items not claimed within 30 days of this advertisement will be remitted to the Henderson County Board of Public Education; destroyed; donated to a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation; traded; sold, not less than 10 days thereafter at public auction as described below, with the proceeds of the auction going to the Henderson County Board of Public Education; or otherwise disposed of as prescribed by law as appropriate.
Sherrie Adams, Lindsey Angel, Eunice Bardin, Anthony Bingham, Donald Brown, Mark Campbell, Jay Colegrove Estate, Clinton Collins, William Davidson, Eric Demarco, Vincent Demarco Estate, David Earle, David Ellenbrecht III, Flat Creek General Store, Jimmie Franklin, Dequalon Fudge, Nathan Fulcher, David Glenn Jr., Allison Gordon, John Hammond, Shawn Hatfield, Allison Heacock, Billy Holden, Troy Jackson, Denise Jones, Donald Jones, Brianna Keener, Keith S. Hanson Law Offices, Jose Lendezma, Christina Lopez, Donnie Lyda, Oscar Martinez, Michael Keener, Carlyon Midleton II, Henry Mixon Jr., Lois Moniz Estate, Anthony Moore, James Morrissey, Sally Oldham, Matthew Philipsheck, Sonny Roberts, Caitlin Sainiard, Benjamin Schmoll, Marvin Soto Estate, Luke Stafford, Morgan Tart, Jonathan Vankoughnett, Passion Watson, Charles Weaver, Daniel Zemora
The Henderson County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with to handle the disposition of this property via electronic auction as allowed by NC General Statute 15-14.1. Items can be viewed / purchased via the website: 24 hours a day, and all unclaimed items will go up for auction beginning not less than 40 days from the date of this publication.
Ammunition, backpacks, bags, bank cards, baseball bat, batteries, battery charger, BB gun, BB gun accessories, Bible, bolt cutters, boxes, brass knuckles, candle holders, cellphones accessories, cellphones, checkbooks, checks, cigarette lighter adapter, cloth case, clothing, coin purse, containers, credit cards, currency and coins - foreign and domestic, debit cards, driver's licenses, electrical tape, electronics, file lock kit, firearm accessories, flashlights, gas can, gift cards, gloves, glue sticks, hand tools, headlamp, headphones and charger, identification cards, jewelry, key fobs, keychains, keys, Kindle, laptops, lawn tools, lighters, magazines, mail, medications, Memorex CD-R, money cards, nightlights, office items and supplies, Outlet swivel top, papers, personal documents, personal items, personal property, phone case, pocket knife, power sources, power strips, power tools, purse, scissors, serving tray, shoes, socket adapter, sporting goods, straps, super glue, surveillance cameras, tape, tool accessories, tolls, toys, umbrellas, vacuum sealer, wallets, wire
The following are Found and Unclaimed vehicles have been in possession of the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office for more than 180 days. The Henderson County Sheriff's Office has partner with and Insurance Auction Auctions Incorporated (IAAI) to dispose of unclaimed vehicles and similar items via electronic auction as allowed by NC General Statue 15-14.1. Vehicles and similar items can be viewed / purchased via the website 24 hours a day, and all unclaimed vehicles and similar items will go up for action beginning not less than 40 days from the date of this publication. Any person who has proof of ownership may contact the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office Evidence and Property section at 828-694-3139, Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm. To claim a vehicle, you must provide a receipt of purchase or other proof of ownership.
Silver 1996 Buick Park Avenue 4 Door, Silver 1998 Suzuki aluminum motorcycle frame (frame only), 2007 Suzuki GSRX 600, Black/blue 2004/2005 Ford F150 pickup truck
The following are Found and Unclaimed Firearms that have been in the possession of the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office for more than 180 days. In accordance with N.C. General Statutes 15-11.1 and 15-11.2, any person having a claim or interest in said firearms must bring proof of ownership and establish such claim or interest no later than 30 days from the date of this publication. Any person who has proof of ownership may contact the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office Evidence and Property section at 828-694-3139, Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm. Any unclaimed firearms will be disposed of in accordance with NC General Statute 15-11.2. To claim a firearm, you must provide a receipt of purchase, serial number and / or detailed description of the firearm. No firearms will be sold or auctioned to the general public.
Bersa Model Thunder 380 Pistol, Raven .25 MP25 pistol, Savage model 24J-DL 20 gauge with .22 caliber rifle on top with wooden stock, Crossman Vigilante CO2 Revolver, Hi-Point .380 handgun
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed hard copy bids, no emails, will be received from bidders by Henderson County at the Henderson County Government Offices First Floor Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792, until 10:00 AM on August 21, 2020, at that time the bids will be publicly opened and read for the New Hendersonville High School: Data, Phone, Camera, Intercom, Access Control and WAP Cabling and Fiber located in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Bid Documents may be obtained (in electronic PDF Format) from the Henderson County Website on or after July 23, 2020 as follows: undefined Qualified contractors interested in bidding on the project should contact Thad Ninnemann at All bidders are hereby notified that they shall be properly licensed under the state laws governing their trade and comply with all aspects of North Carolina Law and Henderson County Policies. Bid security in an amount equal to not less than five percent (5%) of the gross amount of the base bid is required. Performance and Payment bonds for 100% of the base bid are required. Brief scope of the work includes suppling and installing cabling for data, phone, camera, intercom/communication, access control, and wireless access points and supplying fiber as specified for the New Hendersonville High School. A Pre-Bid Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on August 7, 2020, at the Henderson County Government Offices First Floor Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792. Attendance is
Mandatory. 7/29, 8/05
PUBLIC NOTICE: Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) is proposing to build a 42-foot small cell utility pole for communications purposes located at 204 6th Avenue W, Hendersonville, Henderson County, NC 28739 (35˚ 19’ 6.80” N, 82˚ 27’ 47.60” W). Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30-days from the date of this publication to: S. Sapp, Terracon, 2105 Newpoint Place, Suite 600, Lawrenceville, GA 30043; 770-623-0755 or Reference Terracon Project No. 49207687. 5/27
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rural Development Sawtell Solar, LLC: Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact AGENCY: Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBS), USDA ACTION: Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact SUMMARY: The RBS has made a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) with respect to a request for possible financing assistance to Sawtell Solar, LLC for the construction of a 5.0 Megawatt (MW) Solar Photovoltaic Facility in Henderson County, NC. FURTHER INFORMATION: To obtain copies of the Environmental Assessment (EA) and FONSI, or for further information, contact: Bill Tew, Business Program Specialist, USDA Rural Development, 2416 Tramway Road, Sanford, NC 27332,, (919) 895-3647. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The proposed construction activities on the project site include the construction, operation, and maintenance of a 5.0 Megawatt alternating current (MWac) commercial solar facility using ground-mounted, fixed tilt solar arrays and associated racking/electrical equipment on a 37-acre tract of undeveloped land located on the north side of Chimney Rock Road in Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolina. Alternatives considered by the RBS and Sawtell Solar, LLC include: No action and proposed action. The alternatives are discussed in the Sawtell Solar, LLC Proposed Solar Photovoltaic Facility EA. The RBS has reviewed and approved the EA for the proposed project. The availability of the EA for public review was announced via notice in the following newspaper: The Hendersonville Lightning on February 21, 2018 and February 28, 2018. A 14-day comment period was announced in the newspaper notices. The EA was also available for public review at the USDA Rural Development office. There were no comments received during the 14-day comment period. Based on its EA, commitments made by the Sawtell Solar, LLC, and lack of public comments received, RBS has concluded that the project would have no significant impact (or no impacts) to water quality, wetlands, floodplains, land use, aesthetics, transportation, or human health and safety. The proposed project will have no adverse effect on resources listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The Agency has also concluded that the proposed project is not likely to affect federally listed threatened and endangered species or designated critical habitat thereof. The proposed project would not disproportionately affect minority and/or low-income populations. No other potential significant impacts resulting from the proposed project have been identified. Therefore, RBS has determined that this FONSI fulfills its obligations under the National Environmental Policy Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations (40 CFR §§ 1500-1508), and USDA Rural Development's Environmental Policies and Procedures (7 CFR Part 1970) for its action related to the project. RBS is satisfied that the environmental impacts of the proposed project have been adequately addressed. RBS’ federal action would not result in significant impacts to the quality of the human environment, and as such it will not prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for its action related to the proposed project. 04/01/20
Henderson County will accept sealed bids for the furnishing of a Land Development Permitting System as specified until 2:00 PM EST, Monday, April 20, 2020 at the Henderson County Planning Department, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792 where the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. A mandatory pre bid meeting will occur on Friday, March 27, 2020 at 10:00 AM at the Henderson County Planning Department, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792. Interested bidders must attend the pre-bid meeting for their bids to be accepted. Bids must be sealed and visibly labeled as “Land Development Permitting System (LDPS)”. The system must conform to the specifications provided and will be awarded based on “best value procurement” as defined by N.C. Gen. Stat. 143-135.9(a)(1). A copy of the bid package may be obtained from the Henderson County Finance Department between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays, or on Henderson County’s website at Bidders with questions regarding RFP specifications should contact Mark Seelenbacher, IT Director via e-mail at Questions regarding the bid process may be referred to Doug Guffey, Purchasing Agent, at 828-694-5023. Henderson County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids received, or to select the bid which, in our opinion, is in the best overall interest of the County.
Doug Guffey,
Purchasing Agent
Henderson County
Finance Department