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Free Daily Headlines
The Mills River Town Council will hold Public Hearings at the Mills River Town Hall January 23, 2020 at 6:00 PM to hear public comment on the following:
1. Moratorium – adopting an ordinance imposing a moratorium for a period no longer than 60 days on electronic changeable copy signs.
2. Moratorium – adopting an ordinance imposing a moratorium for a period no longer than 60 days on commercial development to revise architectural design standards.
Detailed information on the affected sections of the Zoning Code are available for review in the Office of the Clerk during regular business hours. The Mills River Code of Ordinances is available at
Susan L. Powell, MMC, NCCMC
Town Clerk
The public will take notice that the Laurel Park Town Council has called a public hearing on January 21, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. at the First Congregational Church, 1735 5th Ave W., Hendersonville, NC 28739, on the question of annexing the following described non-continuous property, requested by voluntary petition filed by Little Fish Investments LLC, an Oregon limited liability company (successor by merger to Curry Investments LLC)., pursuant to G. S. 160A-58.1.
Beginning at a point being the northwest corner of that property as described in deed book 567 at page 123 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Henderson County, North Carolina Reference to which is hereby made for a more complete description and marked by a set #5 rebar with yellow cap; thence south 09˙58'18" east 393.43 feet to a found iron pin, thence south 09˙59’09" east 336.27 feet to a found 3/4" iron pipe; thence following US Highway 64 the following two calls: 1) north 72˙59’59" west 211.55 feet to a found iron pin with cap #1479; 2) north 72˙59'15" west 408.81 feet to a found iron pin with cap #1479; thence leaving said US Highway 64, north 04˙11’09" west 561.58 feet to the southerly boundary of lot 8 crystal view as recorded in plat book 7 page 15, and marked by a found iron pin with cap #1479; thence south 88˙15’55” east 11.49 feet to a found iron pin with cap #1479; thence south 87˙31'52" east 266.30 feet to a found 3/4" iron pipe; thence south 87˙14'58" east 230.51 feet to the point and place of beginning. Subject to the right of way for US Highway 64 to full legal width. Containing 7.889 acres more or less. BEING a portion of Deed Book 1116, Page 607, Henderson County. Tamara Amin Town Clerk
Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 153A-241, the Henderson County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing. Commissioners will hear from the public regarding the closing of a portion of un-opened right-of-way adjacent to the Walter M. Johnson and Bryan Rudolph Vanderlois property, located around the Broadway Street area of Henderson County. The hearing has been scheduled for September 18, 2019 at 9:00 A.M. at 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville, North Carolina in the Board of Commissioners meeting room. Petitions of the proposed right-of-way closing will be available for public inspection from now until September 17, 2019 in the Property Addressing Office located at 100 N. King St., Hendersonville, North Carolina. If you have further questions regarding these changes, you may contact the Property Addressing Office at 828-697-4916.
8/14, 21, 28
The Mills River Town Council will hold a Public Hearing at the Mills River Town Hall April 11, 2019 at 6:00 PM on Special Use Permit S-19-01, request for zoning approval as a multi-family dwelling development for that property located at 4768 Boylston Highway, and further identified as PIN # 9631640262 and 9631640566 in the Henderson County Registry.
Detailed information on the request for special use is available for review in the Office of the Clerk during regular business hours. The Mills River Code of Ordinances is available at
Susan L. Powell, MMC, NCCMC
Town Clerk
3/27, 4/03
(Rezoning Application #R-2018-07C)
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing for a proposed map amendment to the Official Zoning Map of Henderson County, North Carolina.
Rezoning Application #R-2018-07C, which was initiated on November 30, 2018 at the request of owner and applicant SEN – Asheville I, LLC, requesting the County rezone approximately 79.588 acres of land (thereafter the “Subject Area”) from a Residential Two (R2) zoning district to a Local Commercial Conditional District (LC - CD). The property is located on S Rugby Rd. The PINs for the parcels included are: 9640-21-6060, 9640-11-6673, 9640-30-4804, 9640-21-6420, 9640-31-1473, 9640-31-4154, & 9640-20-5321. The
The public hearing will be held on Monday March 4th, 2019 at 5:30 P.M., in the Board of Commissioners Meeting Room located in the Henderson County Historic Courthouse, at 1 Historic Courthouse Square, in Hendersonville, NC. The public is invited to attend and comment on the proposed amendment.
Written comments addressed to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Suite 1, Hendersonville, NC 28792, will be accepted prior to the hearing. Information about the proposed amendment is available for review in the Henderson County Planning Department, 100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, or on the Henderson County Website at For more information, call the Planning Department at (828) 697-4819.
Please note that after considering public hearing comments, the Board of Commissioners may discuss other options or make changes to the proposed amendments before taking final action. The Henderson County 2020 Comprehensive Plan will be updated and amended, as necessary, to reflect the action of the Board of Commissioners.
Terry Wilson
Clerk to the Board
Henderson County Board of Commissioners
2/20, 2,27
The Mills River Town Council will hold a Public Hearing at Mills River Town Hall on Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 6:00 PM to hear public comment on:
Zoning request R-18-03, a request to rezone two (2) parcels from Mills River General Business (MR-GB) to Mills River Mixed Use (MR-MU). The property is owned by Don K. and Judith A. Bradley; and is further identified as PIN 9631640262 and 9631640566 of the Henderson County Registry. The total acreage is approximately 16.08 acres.
Detailed information on the proposed rezoning is on file at the Mills River Town Hall for public inspection during normal business hours. The Zoning Code may be found at
Susan L. Powell, MMC, NCCMC
Town Clerk
Mills River, North Carolina
2/13, 20
The North Carolina Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children
(WIC) is working to make the program available and accessible to eligible women,
infants, and children, including migrants and homeless individuals.
The WIC program provides supplemental foods and nutrition education to eligible women, infants and children, including migrants and homeless individuals.
The WIC Program provides supplemental foods and nutrition education to participants.
In order to be eligible for the WIC program in Henderson County, the applicant must be:
1. A pregnant, breastfeeding or postpartum woman; infant; or child under age 5-years.
2. Currently living in North Carolina.
3. Within the financial eligibility guidelines established by North Carolina.
4. At Nutritional Risk.
The Henderson County Health Department WIC Program is particularly interested in the participation of pregnant or breastfeeding women and infants.
If you think you are eligible for the WIC Program contact the Henderson County Department of Public Health 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville, NC 28792
or call 692-4223.
The office hours are 8:00 to 4:30 Monday through Friday. Some Monday evening appointments are available.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is an equal opportunity provider.
The County will accept sealed bids for the furnishing of (1) spotter truck as specified until 10:00 AM, Monday, November 26, 2018 at the Henderson County Finance Department, 113 North Main Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792 where the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be sealed and visibly labeled as “Formal Bid: Solid Waste Spotter Truck”. The vehicles must conform to the specifications provided and will be awarded based upon the lowest responsive responsible bidder standard. A copy of the bid package may be obtained from the Henderson County Finance Department between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays, or on Henderson County’s website at Bidders with questions regarding specifications or the bid process may be referred to Doug Guffey, Purchasing Agent, at 828-694-5023. Henderson County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids received, or to select the bid which, in our opinion, is in the best overall interest of the County.
Doug Guffey, Purchasing Agent
Henderson County Finance Department
BY VIRTUE of a certain Execution directed to the undersigned Sheriff of Henderson County by the Superior Court of Henderson County in the above-entitled actions, I will, on Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 at 10:00 AM at the Henderson County Courthouse Door in the City of Hendersonville, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in order to satisfy said Executions, offer for sale all right, title and interest which the Defendants herein named now have or at any time after the levying of taxes hereinafter set forth have had in any of the real estate hereinafter described.
THIS SALE is being made for Henderson County a body corporate and politic of the state of North Carolina taxes and said lands or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy Judgments on which said Executions were issued, respectively, will be sold subject to any outstanding taxes other than Henderson County taxes for which this sale is being made. The amount set is the amount of the Judgment including interest and costs through July 27th, 2018.
The highest bidder shall be required at the time of sale to deposit with the undersigned a CASH deposit of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid.
Penny Banks Gooder; Amount Due: $994.74; Being the balance of that property described in Deed Book 1441, Page 152 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9949988 / PIN Number 9527496631.
Penny Banks Gooder; Amount Due: $1,014.48; Being the balance of that property described in Deed Book 1441, Page 152 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9949987 / PIN Number 9527494693.
Penny Banks Gooder; Amount Due: $983.56; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 1441, Page 152 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9947954 / PIN Number 9528503912.
Penny Banks Gooder; Amount Due: $816.04; Being the balance of that property described in Deed Book 1441, Page 152 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9949990 / PIN Number 9527498771.
Heirs of Carmen Goranson and David Goranson; Amount Due: $1,279.78; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 361 Page 367 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9947128 / 0620067977.
WS Tuxedo Holdings, Nancy Hayes, D. Samuel Neill; Amount Due: $2,810.65; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 1449, Page 396 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 1014061 / PIN Number 9556390984.
Gary Firmender and Lisa Firmender; Amount Due: $491.65; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 1068, Page 723 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9968870 / PIN Number 0610609846.
Cliffs at Glassy Inc, James Anthony; Amount Due: $7,902.34; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 1008, Page 134 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9965555 / PIN Number 9573232359.
Cliffs at Glassy Inc, James Anthony; Amount Due: $595.29; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 1068, Page 567 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9971310 / PIN Number 9563628850.
George W. Peace, Heirs of Meta Peace Estate, Heirs of Pay Peace Herrell and Lynn Cerny; Amount Due: $1,426.64; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 232, Page 84 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 301151, PIN Number 9681141128.
Heirs of Billie Klatt, Heirs of James Alexander Short, Lynda Lee Short; Amount Due: $1,775.36; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 1127, Page 574 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 401484, PIN Number 9527370871.
Heirs of Billie Klatt, Heirs of James Alexander Short, Lynda Lee Short; Amount Due: $1,644.88; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 1127, Page 574 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) 401486 / PIN Number 9527372586.
Heirs of Jerry Lee Wright, Janice Kinsey Wright; Amount Due: $963.10; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 510, Page 207 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 502094, PIN Number 0613602851.
Heirs of Jerry Lee Wright, Janice Kinsey Wright; Amount Due: $852.11; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 612, Page 351 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 502095, PIN Number 0613600922.
Heirs of Clarence W. Walker, Heirs of Shirley T. Walker, Wanda Kilpatrick, Rhonda K. Price, Sherry Lynn Bailey, Terry W. Walker; Amount Due: $589.80; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 583, Page 267 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9975960 / PIN Number 9569775438.
Heirs of Buford Snoddy, Peggy Snoddy, Theodore Snoddy, Lois Snoddy; Amount Due: $1,498.53; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 692 Page 99 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9927733, PIN Number 9538400662.
Heirs of Dorothy Rode, Delores Chessman; Amount Due: $2,372.96; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 587 Page 255 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 112362 / PIN Number 9671521331.
Heirs of Patricia Cobor, Margart McCombs Downard, Bill Downard; Amount Due: $2,126.14; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 708 Page 741 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9931336 / PIN Number 9549883570.
Heirs of Kathy Busbin (aka Kathy Pedroso), Earl M. Pedroso, James W. Busbin, II, Amber Ward; Amount Due: $1,608.13; Being the balance of that Property described in Deed Book 770 Page 179 of the Henderson County Registry and being described for tax purposes as Parcel (REID) Number 9925554 / PIN Number 0610524399.
For further information and payoff amounts please contact the Civil Process Division of the Henderson County Sheriff’s Department: Sgt. Pierson 828-694-2722 or Cpl. Cox 828-694-2725.
Amounts showing in this Notice of Sale do not reflect additional interest and expenses incurred that will accrue on a daily basis.
This, the 27th day of July, 2018.
Charles McDonald
Sheriff of Henderson County
The Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) of the County of Henderson, North Carolina (the “County”) is considering authorizing the County to proceed with entering into an installment financing contract (the “Contract”) in a principal amount not to exceed $3,000,000, under which the County will make certain installment payments, to (a) pay the capital costs of constructing new sewer lines to provide gravity sewer service to Fletcher Academy and Park Ridge Hospital (the “Project”) and (b) pay the costs related to the execution and delivery of the Contract. In connection with the Contract, the County will enter into a security agreement (the “Security Agreement”) under which the County will grant a security interest in the Project for the benefit of the entity, or its assigns, providing the funds to the County under the Contract. The Contract and the Security Agreement will permit the County to enter into amendments to refinance the Project and finance additional projects using the Project as collateral and the County may or may not grant additional collateral in connection with such amendments. On payment by the County of all installment payments due under the Contract, including any future amendments to finance or refinance projects, the lien created by the Security Agreement will terminate and the County’s ownership interest in the Project will be unencumbered.
Any person wishing to comment in writing on the proposed execution and delivery of the Contract and the nature and location of the Project should do so within 10 days after the date of publication of this notice to the Finance Director of the County, Henderson County Historic Courthouse, 113 North Main Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792, Attention: Finance Director.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Sections 160A-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, that on September 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, Henderson County Historic Courthouse, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792, a public hearing will be conducted concerning the approval of the execution and delivery of the Contract and the County’s the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project. All interested parties are invited to present comments at the public hearing regarding the execution and delivery of the Contract and the Project to be financed thereby.
/s/ Teresa Wilson
Clerk to the Board of Commissioners
County of Henderson, North Carolina
Published: August 22 2018
Take notice that Craig C Jackson, the Executor of the will dated January 27, 1990 of Waunelle Chambers Jackson of Hendersonville, N C. will 14 days after after the date of this publication of this advertisement may apply to the Hendersonville County Supreme Court for a grant of Probate of that will.
Craig C. Jackson ,2296 Clyde Road, Catawaba, N C. 28609 - email at
8/08, 15, 22, 29
TIP No. R-5744
The N. C. Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting in Hendersonville regarding the proposed Balfour Parkway, a new location roadway between N.C. 191 and U.S. 64 north of Hendersonville.
The public meeting will be held Tuesday, February 27, 2018 between 4 and 7 p.m. at The Cascades Mountain Resort located at 201 Sugarloaf Road in Hendersonville.
At the meeting, maps of the proposed alternatives will be presented. Project team members will be available to discuss the project, answer questions, and provide feedback. Written comments or questions may be submitted at the meeting or via mail/email by March 14, 2018. Please note no formal presentation will be made.
Maps can be viewed or downloaded as they come available online on the NCDOT Public Meetings Website:
or the project’s website:
Persons with additional questions may contact NCDOT Project Manager, Jennifer Fuller at (919) 707-6050 or by email at
NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Diane Wilson, Environmental Analysis Unit via email at or by phone (919) 707-6073 as early as possible so that arrangements can be made.
Aquellas personas que hablan español y no hablan inglés, o tienen limitaciones para leer, hablar o entender inglés, podrían recibir servicios de interpretación si los solicitan antes de la reunión llamando al 1-800-481-6494
A meeting of the City of Hendersonville City Council will be held on Thursday, March 1, 2018, at 5:45 p.m., in City Hall located at 145 Fifth Avenue East, to consider the following:
Zoning Map Amendment – Application from Chuck Anderson of CLA Builders, Inc. requesting to rezone a portion of PIN 9569-41-8704 from R-15 Medium Density Residential to R-10 Medium Density Residential.
All supplementary materials related to these agenda items are available for public inspection and review at the City Development Assistance Department, located at 100 N. King Street, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday.
All interested persons are invited to attend and participate.
Tammie K. Drake,
City Clerk
2/14, 21
Sale of City of Hendersonville surplus real property
Advertisement for upset bid proposals
In accordance with NCGS 160A-269, the public will take notice that the City of Hendersonville has received and proposes to accept an offer of $5,000, for city-owned real property identified as:
Consisting of 303 square feet, more or less, commonly referred to as a portion of the Market Street (formerly Shepherd Avenue) public right-of-way abandonment, lying and being in the City of Hendersonville, Henderson County, NC.
Any person may, within ten days from the publication hereof, upset the bid by submitting in a sealed envelope to the City of Hendersonville City Clerk, 145 Fifth Ave. E., Hendersonville, NC 28792, a written offer increasing the amount being considered by at least 10 percent of the first $1,000 dollars and 5 percent of the remainder. A bid deposit equal to 5 percent of the new bid must accompany the new bid. Deposits must be submitted in the form of a certified check from a local bank or money order.
Written offers with deposits are due by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 19, 2018.
The City of Hendersonville reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. For additional information, please contact Tammie Drake, City Clerk, at 828/697-3005 or
Published February 7, 2018.
Tammie K. Drake, City Clerk
The Mills River Town Council will a Public Hearing at Mills River Town Hall on February 8, 2018, at 7:00 PM to hear public comment on amendments to the Mills River Zoning Code Chapter 153, Subdivisions and Chapter 154, Zoning concerning traffic impact studies and zoning permit application expirations..
Further details are available in the office of the Town Clerk during normal business hours. The Mills River Code of Ordinances may be found at
Susan L. Powell, MMC, NCCMC
Town Clerk
Mills River,
North Carolina
01/24, 31
A meeting of the City of Hendersonville Planning Board will be held on Monday, January 8, 2018 at 4:00 p.m., in the Assembly Room of the City Operations Center, 305 Williams Street, to consider the following:
1. Special Use Review – Application for a Special Use Permit from Mountain Bean Growers, Inc. to construct 67 single family homes to be located on Howard Gap Road on a portion of PIN #9670-42-2817. As part of the project the applicant is requesting the parcel to be rezoned to PRD, Planned Residential Development.
All supplementary materials related to these agenda items are available for public inspection and review at the City Development Assistance Department, located at 100 N. King Street, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday.
All interested persons are invited to attend and participate.
Western Carolina Community Action, Inc., a nonprofit serving Henderson, Polk, Rutherford and Transylvania Counties, is now accepting applications for membership on the Board of Directors. The deadline for applications is October 4, 2017. If you are interested in representing your community, business, or community organization by serving on WCCA's board, please contact Debbie Sims, at WCCA, 828-693-1711, extension 133 or email her at for more information.
A meeting of the City of Hendersonville Planning Board will be held on Monday, September 11, at 4:00 p.m., in the Assembly Room of the City Operations Center, 305 Williams Street, to consider the following:
Application for site plan review from Biren K. Patel, Vice President of GOPI Inc., to construct an addition to the Ramada Inn located at 150 Sugarloaf Road. The addition is a two-story meeting room with approximately 2,233ft2 and will be attached to the southeastern corner of the existing 25,000ft2 hotel. The existing structure plus the addition will total approximately 27,233ft2.
All supplementary materials related to these agenda items are available for public inspection and review at the City Development Assistance Department, located at 100 N. King Street, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday.
All interested persons are invited to attend and participate.
The Mills River Town Manager has presented the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget to Town Council and a public hearing will be held on Thursday, June 22, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at the Mills River Town Hall to hear comment. The budget is available for inspection in the Office of the Town Clerk or Mills River Branch Library during regular business hours.
Budget Summary
Fund: General Fund
Amount: $2,564,870
Susan L. Powell, MMC, NCCMC
Town Clerk
Mills River, North Carolina
The Henderson County Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Proposed Budget has been submitted to the Board of Commissioners and a copy will be available for public inspection starting May 15, 2017 in the office of the Clerk to the Board and on-line at The Board of Commissioners will hold a budget workshop at 9:00 am on May 17, 2017 in the Commissioners’ Board Room at 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville. The Board will hold a public hearing on the budget at 5:30 pm on June 5, 2017 in the Commissioners’ Board Room at 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville.
May 4, 2017
Steve Wyatt
County Manager