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Estate of Ronald Lynn Allison

Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Ronald Lynn Allison, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of June 2025, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment.
Caroline T. Knox,
Executor of the Estate of Ronald Lynn Allison, Deceased

Caroline T. Knox, CELA
Law Office of Caroline Knox, PLLC
16 Towne Place Dr.,
Ste. 100
Hendersonville, NC 28792

3/26, 4/02, 9, 16

Estate of Carol M. Foster

Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Carol M. Foster, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of June 2025, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment.

Tiffany Peters,
Executor of the Estate of Carol M. Foster,

Caroline T. Knox, CELA
Law Office of Caroline Knox, PLLC
16 Towne Place Dr.,
Ste. 100
Hendersonville, NC 28792

3/26, 4/02, 9, 16

Estate of William Stanley Mitchell, Jr. aka William S. Mitchell (Estate File Number 25E000265-440)

File No.
Having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of William Stanley Mitchell, Jr. aka William S. Mitchell (Estate File Number 25E000265-440), deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, the undersigned do hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the decedent and/or the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned in care of Gilreath Shealy Law, PLLC, 224 6th Avenue East, Hendersonville, NC 28792 on or before June 26, 2025, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said decedent and/or decedent’s estate will please make immediate payment.

Dated March 26, 2025.

Christopher G. Mitchell and Kathryn M. DiStasi, Co-Executors of the Estate of William Stanley Mitchell, Jr., Deceased

Adam L. Shealy, Esq.
Gilreath Shealy Law, PLLC
224 6th Avenue East
Hendersonville, NC 28792

3/26, 4/02, 9, 16

Estate of Tava Orr Carter (Estate File Number 25E000251-440)

File No.
Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Tava Orr Carter (Estate File Number 25E000251-440), deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the decedent and/or the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned in care of Gilreath Shealy Law, PLLC, 224 6th Avenue East, Hendersonville, NC 28792 on or before June 26, 2025, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said decedent and/or decedent’s estate will please make immediate payment.

Dated: March 26, 2025

Ryan Dain Morgan,
Executor of the Estate of Tava Orr Carter,

Adam L. Shealy, Esq.
Gilreath Shealy Law, PLLC
224 6th Avenue East
Hendersonville, NC 28792

3/26, 4/02, 9, 16

Estate of Karen Edna Johnson

Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Karen Edna Johnson, Deceased, lately of the County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the Estate of Karen Edna Johnson to present them to the undersigned Executor representing the Estate.

All claims against said Estate should be presented on or before June 24, 2025, ninety days from the first running of this Notice, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Persons indebted to the Estate will please make immediate settlement to the Estate.

This the 26th day of March, 2025.

Scott D. Bullen
Executor of the Estate
c/o Justice P. Mullen
Romeo, Harrelson & Coiner, P.A.
136 S. King Street, Suite B
Hendersonville, NC 28792

Justice P. Mullen
Attorney for the Estate
Romeo, Harrelson & Coiner, P.A.
136 S. King Street, Suite B
Hendersonville, NC 28792
(828) 698-2345

3/26, 4/02, 9, 16

Estate of Harlen Pace

Having qualified as administrator over the Estate of Harlen Pace deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before, Friday, June 27th, 2025 or this notice will be pleaded in the bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate settlement with the undersigned estate administrator.

File No. 25 E 87-440
Diana Mathewson, administrator
C/o Brenton S. Begley
McIntyre Elder Law
233 E. Graham St.
Shelby NC, 28150

3/26, 4/02, 9, 16

Estate of Rhonda W. Hudson

File No.
Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Rhonda W. Hudson, deceased, of the County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of June 2025, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will make settlement at once to the undersigned.

This the 14th day of
February, 2025.

Seth Stanley Hudson,
Executor of the Estate of Rhonda W. Hudson

378 Fenway Circle
East Flat Rock, NC

3/26, 4/02, 9, 16

Estate of Bruce LeRoy Ball

File No.
Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Bruce LeRoy Ball, deceased, of the County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of June 2025, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will make settlement at once to the undersigned.

This the 18th day of
March, 2025.

Karen Ball Jordan,
Executor of the Estate of Bruce LeRoy Ball

892 Anders Rd.
Zirconia, NC 28790

3/26, 4/02, 9, 16

Estate of Michael E. Pudelski,

File No.
Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Michael E. Pudelski, deceased, of the County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of June 2025, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will make settlement at once to the undersigned.

This the 20th day of
March, 2025.

Scott GOrdon Rigg,
Executor of the Estate of MIchael E. Pudelski

11 Laurel Forest Dr.
Horse Shoe, NC

3/26, 4/02, 9, 16



FILE NO. 24CV002971-440
New Life Lands, LLC vs. Leslee Dalton Neshehe, et al
Attn: Lester M. Stepp
Take notice that a complaint seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled civil action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Quiet Title.
You are required to make defense to such complaint not later than May 5, 2025, upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought.

This the 26th day of March 2025.

Robert B. McNeill,
NCSB# 13038
Attorney for Plaintiff
227 W Trade St, Ste 650, Charlotte, NC 28202

3/26, 4/02, 09


(Rezoning Application #R-2025-02,
(Fireside Golf)
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing for a proposed map amendment to the Official Zoning Map of Henderson County, North Carolina.

Rezoning Application R-2025-02, submitted on February 19, 2025, requests that the County rezone approximately 25.67 acres of land from the Residential One (R1) zoning district to the Local commercial (LC) zoning district. The zoning map amendment application is for all of PIN: 9660-39-3429 with access from Brookside Camp Road (SR 1528). The property owner is Brookside Camp Holdings, LLC and the applicant is Madison McMahan.

The public hearing is anticipated to be held on Monday, April 7, 2025, at 5:30 PM, in the Board of Commissioners Meeting Room located in the Henderson County Historic Courthouse, at 1 Historic Courthouse Square, in Hendersonville, NC. The public is invited to attend and comment on the proposed amendment. Any changes to the public hearing date will be advertised.

Written comments addressed to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Suite 1, Hendersonville, NC 28792, will be accepted prior to the hearing. Information about the proposed amendment is available for review in the Henderson County Planning Department, 100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC, between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, or on the Henderson County Website at For more information, call the Planning Department at (828) 697-4819.

Please note that after considering public hearing comments, the Board of Commissioners may discuss other options or make changes to the proposed amendments before taking final action. The Henderson County Comprehensive Plan will be updated and amended, as necessary, to reflect the action of the Board of Commissioners.

Denisa Lauffer
Clerk to the Board
Henderson County Board of Commissioners

3/26, 4/02


Henderson County will accept sealed qualifications for consulting and engineering services for asset inventory and assessment for the Etowah Sewer system. Proposals may be submitted until 5:00 PM EST, April 25, 2025, at the Henderson County Historic Courthouse, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville, NC 28792. Proposals must be sealed and visibly labeled as RFP for Consulting/Engineering Services for Asset Inventory and Assessment for Etowah Sewer. The standard of award for this Request for Qualifications will be based on the demonstrated competence and qualifications of firms. A copy of the request for qualifications may be obtained from the Henderson County Finance Department between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays, or on Henderson County’s website at Bidders with questions regarding the request for qualifications should contact Marcus Jones, PE, at 828-694-6560. Henderson County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids received, or to select the bid which, in our opinion, is in the best overall interest of the County.

Doug Guffey,
Purchasing Agent
Henderson County
Finance Department


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (Conditional Rezoning Application #R-2025-01-CD, The Cottages at Sugarloaf Meadows)

(Conditional Rezoning Application #R-2025-01-CD, The Cottages at Sugarloaf Meadows)

The Henderson County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing for a proposed map amendment to the Official Zoning Map of Henderson County, North Carolina.

Rezoning Application #R-2025-01-CD was initiated on February 14, 2025, and requests that the County conditionally rezone approximately 31.46 acres of land from Residential Two Rural (R2R) to a Conditional District (CD-2025-01). The project contains all of PINs 9589-35-2768 and 9589-26-9624 that have direct access to Sugarloaf Rd (SR1734). The Cottages at Sugarloaf Meadows, LLC and Claire McConnell are the current property owners. The applicant is the Cottages at Sugarloaf Meadows, LLC. The agent for the application is Tyler Wagner.

The applicant is proposing a single-family residential development with 50 homes in total.

The public hearing will be held on Monday, April 7, 2025, at 5:30 PM., in the Board of Commissioners Meeting Room located in the Henderson County Historic Courthouse, at 1 Historic Courthouse Square, in Hendersonville, NC. The public is invited to attend and comment on the proposed amendment.

Written comments addressed to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Suite 1, Hendersonville, NC 28792, will be accepted prior to the hearing. Information about the proposed amendment is available for review in the Henderson County Planning Department, 100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, or on the Henderson County Website For more information, call the Planning Department at (828) 697-4819.

Please note that after considering public hearing comments, the Board of Commissioners may discuss other options or make changes to the proposed amendments before taking final action. The Henderson County Comprehensive Plan will be updated and amended, as necessary, to reflect the action of the Board of Commissioners.

Denisa Lauffer
Clerk to the Board
Henderson County Board of Commissioners

3/26, 4/02

Estate of Ingeborg E. Doetsch

FILE 25E000237-440
Having qualified as Administrator CTA of the Estate of Ingeborg E. Doetsch, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said Estate to present such claims to the undersigned on or before June 26, 2025, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment.

This, the 26th day of March 2025.

Brad Henry,
Administrator CTA
c/o Strauss Attorneys, PLLC
104 N Washington St
Hendersonville, NC
(828) 696-1811

3/26, 4/02, 9, 16

RFQ: ARCHITECT OF RECORD Henderson County Hospital Corporation d/b/a UNC Health Pardee (“UNC Health Pardee”)

Henderson County Hospital Corporation d/b/a UNC Health Pardee (“UNC Health Pardee”) is soliciting services from highly qualified Architectural Firms, to provide design/consultant services for an Adolescent Behavioral Health Unit. Interested qualified firms should submit 3 hard copies of Statements of Qualifications, in a sealed envelope, to the following address as detailed below by 1:30 pm on April 17, 2025.

John M. Bryant, Ed. D.
Vice President, Operations and Support
UNC Health Pardee
800 N. Justice Street
Hendersonville, NC 28791

Proposed Scope of Service:
The awarded Consultant will perform the following tasks in order to complete projects for UNC Health Pardee:

1. Planning: The Consultant will coordinate the UNC Health Pardee preliminary planning, as needed, to develop projects for funding and schedule consideration, within respective Capital Projects.

2. Design: The Consultant will provide intermediate plans for review by the Capital Projects team, and construction plans and specifications for the formal bid processes.

3. Permitting: The Consultant will identify all required permits and prepare, submit, and respond to all permits based on the designs approved by the Capital Projects team.

4. Bidding: The Consultant will manage the bid process based on the approved and permitted design, in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes, Local Purchasing Policy, and the approved project budget and schedule.

5. Construction Administration: The Consultant will assist UNC Health Pardee with administration of the construction of the projects. Special Inspections and Materials Testing will be performed by a third party, contracted by UNC Health Pardee.

The Project includes the following:
◆ 36,000 square ft. Adolescent Behavioral Health unit at Pardee Hospital, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville NC 28739. Project to be built within existing 2nd and 3rd floor hospital space, following interior demolition and renovations as part of the construction scope.

Website link to further information:

3/26, 4/02

Estate of Anne T. Rodgers

Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Anne T. Rodgers, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of June, 2025, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment.

Courtney M. Woodruff,
Executor of the Estate of
Anne T. Rodgers,

Caroline T. Knox, CELA
Law Office of Caroline Knox, PLLC
16 Towne Place Dr.,
Ste. 100
Hendersonville, NC 28792

3/19, 26/ 4/02, 09

Estate of Juanita Holbert

Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Juanita Holbert, deceased, of the County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or to his attorney on or before the day 19th day of June, 2025, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will make settlement at once to the undersigned or to his attorney.

Gary Holbert, Executor
Estate of Juanita Holbert
98 Warlick Rd.
Mills River, NC 28759

Sarah R. Massagee
Prince, Massagee &
Alexander, PLLC
240 Third Avenue West
Hendersonville, NC

3/19, 26/ 4/02, 09

Estate of Betty Jane Ballah

Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Betty Jane Ballah, deceased, of the County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or to her attorney on or before the 19th day of June, 2025, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will make settlement at once to
the undersigned or to her attorney.

Sharon B. Alexander, Executor
Estate of Betty Jane Ballah
240 Third Avenue West
Hendersonville, NC

Sharon B. Alexander
Prince, Massagee &
Alexander, PLLC
240 Third Avenue West
Hendersonville, NC

3/19, 26/ 4/02, 09

Estate of Judy Ann Wyatt

Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Judy Ann Wyatt, deceased, of the County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or to her attorney on or before the 19th day of June, 2025, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will make settlement at once to the undersigned or to her attorney.

Shaula Morris,
Estate of Judy Ann
35 Woodscape Drive
Mills River, NC 28759

Sharon B. Alexander
Prince, Massagee &
Alexander, PLLC
240 Third Avenue West
Hendersonville, NC

3/19, 26/ 4/02, 09

Estate of Timothy Howard Scroggs

The undersigned, having qualified as the Executor of the Estate of Timothy Howard Scroggs, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said Timothy Howard Scroggs to exhibit them to the undersigned:

William Rodney Krienke Jr., Executor
c/o Burt Langley, P.C.
149 S Lexington Ave
Asheville, NC 28801

on or before June 23, 2025, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at the address listed above.

This the 19th day of March, 2025.

William Rodney Krienke Jr.
Executor of the Estate of Timothy Howard Scroggs
Henderson County
Estate File 25E000202-440

Christopher “Jake” Gray
Attorney for Executor, William Rodney Krienke Jr.
Burt Langley, PC
149 S Lexington Ave
Asheville, NC 28801

3/19, 26/ 4/02, 09
