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Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Sidney Lamar Jones, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of February, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment.
Lisa Jones Hill,
Administrator of the Estate of
Sidney Lamar Jones, Deceased
Caroline T. Knox, CELA
Law Office of Caroline Knox, PLLC
16 Towne Place Dr.,
Ste. 100
Hendersonville, NC 28792
11/10, 17, 24, 12/01
Having qualified as the Executor of the Estate of Patricia Marlene Embree, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Executor, in care of Brian T. Lawler, Esq., Van Winkle, Buck, Wall, Starnes and Davis, P.A., Attorneys-at-Law, 11 North Market Street, Asheville, NC 28801, on or before the 13th day of January, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment.
Douglas Agor, Executor
Estate of Patricia Marlene Embree
10/13, 20, 27, 11/03
File 2019 E 000920
Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Annie Louise Shipman, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said Estate to present such claims to the undersigned on or before th 18th day of January, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in the bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment.
This the 9th day of
October, 2021.
Carolyn Brackett
271 Livingston Rd.
Fletcher, C 28732
10/20, 27, 11/03/10
The Henderson County Sheriff’s Office has unclaimed property some of which may belong to the below listed individuals. This property has been held the required length of time according to NC General Statutes 15-8, 15-11.1, 15-11.2, and 15-12 as appropriate. If you are one of the listed individuals and can identify any item(s), or if you believe any of the unclaimed item(s) belong to you, contact the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office Evidence and Property Section at 828-694-3139, Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm. Contact must be made within 30 days of this publication. Proof of ownership will be required to claim any of the listed items. All items not claimed within 30 days of this advertisement will be remitted to the Henderson County Board of Public Education; destroyed; donated to a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation; traded; sold, not less than 10 days thereafter at public auction as described below, with the proceeds of the auction going to the Henderson County Board of Public Education; or otherwise disposed of as prescribed by law as appropriate.
Sherrie Adams, Lindsey Angel, Eunice Bardin, Anthony Bingham, Donald Brown, Mark Campbell, Jay Colegrove Estate, Clinton Collins, William Davidson, Eric Demarco, Vincent Demarco Estate, David Earle, David Ellenbrecht III, Flat Creek General Store, Jimmie Franklin, Dequalon Fudge, Nathan Fulcher, David Glenn Jr., Allison Gordon, John Hammond, Shawn Hatfield, Allison Heacock, Billy Holden, Troy Jackson, Denise Jones, Donald Jones, Brianna Keener, Keith S. Hanson Law Offices, Jose Lendezma, Christina Lopez, Donnie Lyda, Oscar Martinez, Michael Keener, Carlyon Midleton II, Henry Mixon Jr., Lois Moniz Estate, Anthony Moore, James Morrissey, Sally Oldham, Matthew Philipsheck, Sonny Roberts, Caitlin Sainiard, Benjamin Schmoll, Marvin Soto Estate, Luke Stafford, Morgan Tart, Jonathan Vankoughnett, Passion Watson, Charles Weaver, Daniel Zemora
The Henderson County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with to handle the disposition of this property via electronic auction as allowed by NC General Statute 15-14.1. Items can be viewed / purchased via the website: 24 hours a day, and all unclaimed items will go up for auction beginning not less than 40 days from the date of this publication.
Ammunition, backpacks, bags, bank cards, baseball bat, batteries, battery charger, BB gun, BB gun accessories, Bible, bolt cutters, boxes, brass knuckles, candle holders, cellphones accessories, cellphones, checkbooks, checks, cigarette lighter adapter, cloth case, clothing, coin purse, containers, credit cards, currency and coins - foreign and domestic, debit cards, driver's licenses, electrical tape, electronics, file lock kit, firearm accessories, flashlights, gas can, gift cards, gloves, glue sticks, hand tools, headlamp, headphones and charger, identification cards, jewelry, key fobs, keychains, keys, Kindle, laptops, lawn tools, lighters, magazines, mail, medications, Memorex CD-R, money cards, nightlights, office items and supplies, Outlet swivel top, papers, personal documents, personal items, personal property, phone case, pocket knife, power sources, power strips, power tools, purse, scissors, serving tray, shoes, socket adapter, sporting goods, straps, super glue, surveillance cameras, tape, tool accessories, tolls, toys, umbrellas, vacuum sealer, wallets, wire
The following are Found and Unclaimed vehicles have been in possession of the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office for more than 180 days. The Henderson County Sheriff's Office has partner with and Insurance Auction Auctions Incorporated (IAAI) to dispose of unclaimed vehicles and similar items via electronic auction as allowed by NC General Statue 15-14.1. Vehicles and similar items can be viewed / purchased via the website 24 hours a day, and all unclaimed vehicles and similar items will go up for action beginning not less than 40 days from the date of this publication. Any person who has proof of ownership may contact the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office Evidence and Property section at 828-694-3139, Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm. To claim a vehicle, you must provide a receipt of purchase or other proof of ownership.
Silver 1996 Buick Park Avenue 4 Door, Silver 1998 Suzuki aluminum motorcycle frame (frame only), 2007 Suzuki GSRX 600, Black/blue 2004/2005 Ford F150 pickup truck
The following are Found and Unclaimed Firearms that have been in the possession of the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office for more than 180 days. In accordance with N.C. General Statutes 15-11.1 and 15-11.2, any person having a claim or interest in said firearms must bring proof of ownership and establish such claim or interest no later than 30 days from the date of this publication. Any person who has proof of ownership may contact the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office Evidence and Property section at 828-694-3139, Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm. Any unclaimed firearms will be disposed of in accordance with NC General Statute 15-11.2. To claim a firearm, you must provide a receipt of purchase, serial number and / or detailed description of the firearm. No firearms will be sold or auctioned to the general public.
Bersa Model Thunder 380 Pistol, Raven .25 MP25 pistol, Savage model 24J-DL 20 gauge with .22 caliber rifle on top with wooden stock, Crossman Vigilante CO2 Revolver, Hi-Point .380 handgun
File 21 E 1037
Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Amanda L. Fitch, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said Estate to present such claims to the undersigned on or before th 18th day of January, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in the bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment.
This the 12th day of
October, 2021.
Amanda L. Fitch,
Administrator of the Estate of Charels Joseph Hammond
320 West Central Ave.
Ashelabdm KY 41101
10/20, 27, 11/03/10
Having qualified as the Personal Representative of the Estate of Caroline Theresa Ellis, deceased and late of Henderson County North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before January 18, 2022 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate shall make settlement at once to the undersigned.
This the 20th day of October, 2021.
The Estate of Caroline Theresa Ellis
C/o Wells Fargo Bank
401 S. Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
10/20, 27, 11/03/10
Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Rose Baker, deceased, of the County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or to her attorney on or before the 13th day of January, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will make settlement at once to the undersigned or to her attorney.
Sharon B. Alexander, Administrator
Estate of Rose Baker
240 Third Avenue West
Hendersonville, NC 28739
Sharon B. Alexander
Prince, Massagee & Alexander, PLLC
240 Third Avenue West
Hendersonville, N.C. 28739
10/13, 20, 27, 11/03
FILE NO.: 21 E 721
THE UNDERSIGNED, having qualified as Executor for the Estate of Josephina G. Lanning, deceased June 20, 2021, of Henderson County, North Carolina; this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against and creditors for the estate of said deceased to exhibit and present their claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of November 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement of same to the undersigned.
This, the 18th day of August, 2021.
Clyde Lanning, Jr., Executor of the Estate of Josephina G. Lanning
140 South Church Street, Suite B
Hendersonville, NC 28792
(828) 697-4327
8/18, 25, 9/01, 08
File 21-E-757
Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Estate of Frieda B. Flerl, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said Estate to present such claims to the undersigned on or before October 28, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in the bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment.
This the 21st day of July, 2021.
William E Flerl, Executor for the Estate of Frieda B. Flerl
124 Circle View Dr Hendersonville, NC
7/28, 8/04, 11, 18
21 SP 45
Foreclosure of Lien filed with the Clerk of Superior Court on December 17, 2020, file #20 M 248. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for The Homestead at Mills River Property Owners Association, Inc, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Henderson County, North Carolina in Book 1299, Page 595, and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and pursuant to the demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by said Lien, and pursuant to the Order of the Clerk of Superior Court for Henderson County, North Carolina, entered in this foreclosure proceeding, Black, Slaughter & Black, PA DBA Law Firm Carolinas, the appointed Trustee, will expose for sale at public auction on July 28, 2021, at 2:00 PM at the usual place of sale of the Henderson County Courthouse, Hendersonville, North Carolina, the following described real property (including the house, if any and any other improvements thereon): Being all of Lot 140, The Homestead at Mills River Subdivision, Phase III, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Slide 6293, resurveyed and replatted in Plat Slide 7541 and Plat Slide 10222, of the Henderson County Registry. Property address: Lot 140 Woodhen Way, Horse Shoe, NC 28742. Present Owner(s): The Max and Robyn Suter Family Trust dated March 3, 2016 Robyn Jeannine Suter, Trustee Max Murrhee Suter, Trustee. The sale will be made subject to all prior sales and releases and to all deeds of trust, liens, unpaid taxes, restrictions, easements, assessments, leases, and other matters of record, if any. Pursuant to N.C.G.S §45-21.10(b), any successful bidder will be required to deposit with Black, Slaughter & Black, PA DBA Law Firm Carolinas, the Trustee, immediately upon conclusion of the sale a cash deposit not to exceed the greater of Five Percent (5%) of the bid amount or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance of the purchase price in cash or certified check at the time Black, Slaughter & Black, PA DBA Law Firm Carolinas, the Trustee, tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts to tender such deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pay the full balance of the purchase price so bid at the time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in N.C.G.S §45-21.30(d) and (e). This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bids as required by law. An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. §45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. OF COUNSEL: LAW FIRM CAROLINAS, Post Office Box 41027, Greensboro, North Carolina 27404-1027. Telephone: (336) 378-1899. Signed: July 9, 2021. Michael C. Taliercio, Attorney for the Trustee
7/14, 21
CREDITORS' NOTICE File: 21-E-505 Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Douglas Hendricks, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Administrator on or before the 19th day of August, 2021,or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 14th day of May, 2021. Douglas Tye Hendricks, Administrator of the Estate of Douglas Hendricks 305 Colony Lane Hendersonville, NC 28791 5/19, 26, 6/02, 09
CREDITORS' NOTICE File: 21-E-436 Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Charles Troy Turner deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Administrator on or before the 19th day of August, 2021,or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 12th day of May, 2021. Zachariah Joseph Turner, Administrator of the Estate of Charles Troy Turner 19 Julian Acres Drive Leicester, NC 28748 5/19, 26, 6/02, 09
CREDITORS' NOTICE File: 21-E-497 Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Milda Christine O . Lyda deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Executor on or before the 19th day of August, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 12th day of May, 2021. Russell Lyda, Executor of the Estate of Milda Christine O. Lyda 551 Grant Mountain Rd. Hendersonville, NC 28792 5/19, 26, 6/02, 09
CREDITORS' NOTICE File: 2021 E 000360 Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Lois B. Sawick, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Executor, on or before the 14th day of July, 2021 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 31st day of March, 2021. Audrey Sawick, Executor of the Estate of Lois B. Sawick 52 Orchard Park Rd Flat Rock, NC 28731 4/14, 21, 28, 5/05
CREDITORS' NOTICE File: 21 E 245 Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of James B. Ewart, Jr., deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Executor, on or before the 17th day of June, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 8th day of March, 2021. Allen Donald Greene, Executor of the Estate of James B. Ewart, 3765 Evans Rd Hendersonville, NC 28739 3/17, 24, 31, 4/07
File: 2021-E-000104
Having qualified as the Co-Executors of the Estate of Elizabeth Cathey Wright, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Executors, on or before the 4th day of May, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment.
This the 27th day of January, 2021.
Paula Wright Summey, Co-executor of the Estate of Elizabeth Cathey Wright
103 S. Gordon Drive
Flat Rock, NC
James Gordon Wright, Co-executor of the Estate of Elizabeth Cathey Wright
215 Shepherd Street
Hendersonville, NC
2/03, 10, 17, 24
CREDITOR’S NOTICE File: 20-E-1099 Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of James Edward Jones, deceased, late of Henderson County, North Carolina , this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 16th of March, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the estate should make immediate payment. This the 104th day of
December, 2020. Veronica McKay Executor of the Estate of James Edward Jones 1055 McMurray Rd. Flat Rock, NC 28731 12/16, 23, 30, 1/06
CREDITORS' NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Christopher Patrick Ring, deceased, of the County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or to her attorney on or before the 4th day of February, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will make settlement at once to the undersigned or to her attorney. Sharon B. Alexander, Administrator Estate of Christopher Patrick Ring 240 Third Avenue West Hendersonville, N.C. 28739 Sharon B. Alexander Prince, Youngblood & Massagee, PLLC Attorneys 240 Third Avenue West Hendersonville, N.C. 28739 11/4, 11, 18, 25
File no. 20-E-628
Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of Barton Bohnen, deceased, of the County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or to their attorneys on or before the 3rd day of November, 2020, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will make settlement at once to the undersigned or to their attorneys.
This the 27th day of July, 2020.
Susan N. Bohnen,
3111 Essex Path
Hendersonville, NC
Kenneth Youngblood,
Prince, Youngblood & Massagee, PLLC
240 Third Avenue West
Hendersonville, NC
8/05, 12, 17, 26
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed hard copy bids, no emails, will be received from bidders by Henderson County at the Henderson County Government Offices First Floor Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792, until 10:00 AM on August 21, 2020, at that time the bids will be publicly opened and read for the New Hendersonville High School: Data, Phone, Camera, Intercom, Access Control and WAP Cabling and Fiber located in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Bid Documents may be obtained (in electronic PDF Format) from the Henderson County Website on or after July 23, 2020 as follows: undefined Qualified contractors interested in bidding on the project should contact Thad Ninnemann at All bidders are hereby notified that they shall be properly licensed under the state laws governing their trade and comply with all aspects of North Carolina Law and Henderson County Policies. Bid security in an amount equal to not less than five percent (5%) of the gross amount of the base bid is required. Performance and Payment bonds for 100% of the base bid are required. Brief scope of the work includes suppling and installing cabling for data, phone, camera, intercom/communication, access control, and wireless access points and supplying fiber as specified for the New Hendersonville High School. A Pre-Bid Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM on August 7, 2020, at the Henderson County Government Offices First Floor Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792. Attendance is
Mandatory. 7/29, 8/05