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Walk, bike or bus — don't drive — to Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. is encouraging people to come on foot or by bike, carpool or bus for a brew and a conversation about the future of multi-modal connectivity across Henderson County during a Brewery or Bust event as part of Strive Not to Drive this week. The Sierra Nevada event is 5:30-8:30 p.m. today.

Options include:

  • BUS - Catch a bus at 5:30 p.m., provided by The Trolley Company. Meet and park at the lower parking lot of the Henderson County Courthouse on East 4th Ave., across from the old Grey Hosiery Mill. The bus will return at 8pm, and on the way will drop off any cyclists who do not wish to make the return night ride.
  • BIKE - Bike a roughly 12-mile route, taking backroads to the brewery. Nobody gets dropped! Meet at Bold Rock Cidery at 5 p.m. to roll out. Limited bus seats and cargo space will be available to those uncomfortable biking back by dusk, but bring a headlight and tailight and be prepared.
  • WALK - A roughly half-mile hike along the emerging trail system on Sierra Nevada's property will meet at 6pm in lower parking lot “6 Row," located off of Old Fanning Bridge road near the roundabout.
  • CARPOOL - Work out a carpool plan with a friend, or try - putting in your home and Sierra Nevada's address (100 Sierra Nevada Way, Fletcher, NC) to find a shared ride to the event.

The Sierra Nevada brewery event is one of several promotions this week to encourage options other than driving.

On Thursday, Rhythm and Brews is offering FREE BIKE VALET PARKING. The concert, featuring the Get Right Band, is the first of the summer series. An Apple Country Public Transit bus will be on hand to teach riders how to use the bus bike rack and get answers on using  the system. Friday, May 19, is National Bike to Work Day.

Click here for a full list of events. 



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