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Hendersonville Chorale welcomes returning and new singers tonight

The Hendersonville Chorale welcomes returning members, former members and new members to rehearsals for its spring season and two concerts celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2025.

Music Director Michael Brannon will conduct the rehearsals each Monday in the second floor choir room at First United Methodist Church, 204 Sixth Avenue. All interested in singing with the Hendersonville Chorale should arrive by 5:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 27, to complete a brief registration process and receive music. The Hendersonville Chorale performs its free spring concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 18, at First United Methodist Church.

"The program will feature new music as well as songs sung by the Chorale over its many years. All interested singers are welcome to join us,” Chorale President Jeanne Condren said.
Founded in 1975, the Chorale is a non-auditioned chorus of male and female members singing soprano-alto-tenor-bass harmonies. For more information visit