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NCDOT seeks input on road repair plans for Gerton, Bat Cave and Chimney Rock

NCDOT will host public meetings next week to provide information about two major Hurricane Helene highway recovery projects in Gerton and Bat Cave/Chimney Rock.

The first meeting, on repairs on U.S. 74A in Gerton from Bearwallow Mountain Road to the U.S. 64/U.S. 74/N.C. 9 intersection in Bat Cave, will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25, at Bat Cave Baptist Church, 5095 Chimney Rock Road.

The second meeting, scheduled for 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 26, at Lake Lure Classical Academy, is on permanent repairs including replacing the U.S. 64 bridge and reconstruction of 2.6 miles of U.S. 64/74A from the U.S. 64 bridge to Terrace Drive. Officials will also present potential options and receive opinions for crossing the Rocky Broad River from the highway to the south side and Chimney Rock State Park.

The meetings are held to provide information on the projects and accept comments from residents and business owners in the area. Questions and comments may also be submitted by mail, email or through the project websites no later than March 12. Comments and questions for both projects may be submitted to project manager Brian Burch at