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Mills River leaders oppose NC 280 median

MILLS RIVER — When the DOT asked the Mills River Town Board what it thought about a N.C. 280 widening project with a concrete median, the board answered emphatically: No.

The board last month directed Town Manager Jaime Laughter to express the governing body's opinion to DOT planners and the county Transportation Advisory Committee, which recommends priorities for road projects.
"They don't want it to be a median," Laughter said. "They want it to be five lanes with a center turn lane."
Part of N.C. 280 from N.C. 191 to I-26 is four lanes with a median.
"From what I understand they wanted to put a concrete median all the way to Transylvania County and we were adamantly and actually unanimously against that because of people trying to get into their houses," said Councilman Roger Snyder.
Laughter said she planned to attend the March meeting of the TAC to convey the town's strong opposition. If the median idea seems to be advancing despite that, board members said last week they want to hold a hearing and let townspeople comment.