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Residents invited to comment on GRTZ land use

Residents and property owners in the Green River, Tuxedo and Zirconia area may speak up about land development plans for their community during a public input meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 11, at Tuxedo First Baptist Church, 1121 Old U.S. 25, Zirconia.

"The public input meeting allows people in the planning area the opportunity to share their thoughts and influence the direction of the plan for their community," said Henderson County Planner Anthony Starr.
Henderson County earlier this year began the county's fourth community plan in the southern Henderson County area along the South Carolina line. The planning department uses local residents' input t help shape a plan to guide future growth and policy.
The county recently mailed an anonymous survey to all property owners in the planning area. In addition to the survey, residents, business and property owners in the planning area are invited to give input at a meeting for the development of the draft plan.
A citizens advisory committee appointed by the Board of Commissioners works on the plan.
"The planning committee will develop meaningful recommendations using the public input it receives at this meeting and throughout the planning process," Starr said.
A map of the community planning area is available online at www.hcplanning.org by clicking on the Green River-Tuxedo-Zirconia Community Plan link or by visiting the Planning Department at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville.
For more information about the community planning process, please contact the Planning Department at 697-4819, or email: planning@hendersoncountync.org. Comments via this email address or postal mail will also be accepted.