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Like a lot of small businesses, we are making dramatic adjustments in order to stay profitable and continue to deliver important news, information and public health guidance at a time when those commodities have never been more vital.

This issue of the Lightning, at 16 pages, is smaller than any we’ve ever published and it also is without the TV Book. I apologize for that second change. We hope these changes in the print product, like changes in our entire way of life in the COVID-19 crisis, will become unnecessary in the future.
We have been humbled to receive expressions of gratitude for our on-line coverage in recent days as we report on the pandemic, a fast-moving story that features enormous challenges, acts of courage and examples of community spirit.
Now feels like a good time to thank everyone for being a friend of the Lightning. Some of you have been with us for eight years. The Lightning’s birthday is April 24, 2012. Some friends are brand new. Many consumers of the website have been voting with their pocketbooks. We’ve seen a surge of digital subscriptions and we always welcome more.

To support us as we strive to serve the greater Hendersonville area, become a friend of the Lightning by subscribing on the website or by calling Jan at 828-698-0407. If you’re already on board, tell a friend.
Again, thank you.

Y’all stay safe.