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Council on Aging's daily lunch for seniors moves to Methodist church

The congregate lunch for seniors sponsored by the Council on Aging for Henderson County moved this week to a more permanent location at First United Methodist Church.

Stephanie Cole, director of programs at COAHC, made the announcement to the congregate dining clients last Tuesday. The lunch moved to the church on Monday.

The Council on Aging thanked the Hendersonville Housing Authority for hosting the event at the Sammy Williams Center for many years. Brookdale Senior Living also graciously provided space and support as COAHC searched for another location for the Congregate Nutrition Program.

“Many thanks to both groups for your help and support,” said Sally Buchholz, chair of COAHC Board of Directors.

The COAHC's Congregate Dining program provides a lunchtime meal Monday through Friday for active seniors. In addition to receiving a nutritious meal, diners have the opportunity to engage in various social activities that Congregate Dining Director Kat Nevel provides, such as education, art, exercise games, music and other fun programs. The program is funded in part by the Home and Community Care Block Grant and Carolina Village.

To help preserve COAHC's Congregate Dining program, interested individuals may donate through the Donate button on the Council on Aging for Henderson County's website at www.coahc.org/donate.

Additional services provided by COAHC include Meals On Wheels, nutritional supplements and dining, information and referral, and respite care. Their thrift stores on Spartanburg Highway in Hendersonville and US 64 in Etowah will accept donations of good quality used clothing and household items. For more information or to volunteer, contact Stephanie Cole at 828-692-4203.