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Blue Ridge Heritage Area announces knitting charity for Helene relief

The Blue Ridge National Heritage Area has launched the Heritage Hearth Charity Drive, a creative effort to collect hand-knit and crocheted accessories for all ages to benefit residents of Western North Carolina impacted by Hurricane Helene.

As areas recover, BRNHA strives to keep WNC on the radar of those outside the region. Through Jan. 20, BRNHA will collect donations, including knit or crochet hats, gloves, mittens, scarves and cowls. The North Carolina Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster will assist in connecting BRNHA to groups that can disperse donations to those in need across WNC. 

BRNHA welcomes partners who would like to be designated drop-off locations. Those interested may contact BRNHA to collaborate. Fiber groups are encouraged to engage in community sit-and-stitches to raise awareness of the event.

Click here for the flier.

Donations may be mailed to or dropped off at Blue Ridge National Heritage Area, Heritage Hearth, 31 College Place, Suite 120

Asheville, NC 28801.