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Commissioners appoint two of their own to Pardee board

Henderson County commissioners appointed two of their own members to the Pardee Hospital Board of Directors today, reappointed board member Walter Carpenter and appointed Jack Summey, a former Pardee Board member.

Commissioners made the four appointments for the first time under a new governance agreement that cedes more power to the Pardee board and the UNC Health System, which has a management agreement to operate the facility.
The new governance agreement gives the Board of Commissioners three appointments plus a liaison from the elected board. Commissioners reappointed Michael Edney as the liaison. In a 3-2 vote, the board appointed Tommy Thompson to one of the three seats it was authorized to fill. Commissioners Messer, Thompson and Edney voted for Thompson while Grady Hawkins and Larry Young voted for Bruce Hatfield.
Thompson's term is for one year, Carpenter's for two, and Summey's for three.
The change in the Pardee board appointments gives the Pardee board and the UNC Health System the authority to make other appointments and adds the Pardee CEO, UNC Health System CEO and Pardee's medical chief of staff as voting members. The Board of Commissioners has authority to ratify a slate of five appointees from Pardee and UNC.
Thompson disclosed two potential conflicts of interest. His wife works in physician recruitment for Pardee, and he is partial owner of property rented by a physician practice associated with Park Ridge Hospital, a Pardee competitor.
"I would very much like to serve on that board," Thompson said. "I need to let everyone know that my wife is an employee of the hospital. I would not be able to make any decisions with regard to employment benefits, salary, anything of that nature. As far as information, everyone knows I have a business interest with a competitor, Park Ridge. They rent some space that I happen to have an interest in."

Current members who have expressed willingness to continue were Dr. John Bell, Walter Carpenter, Rita Dianne Conner, Dr. Peter Goodfield, Carolyn Justus, Fielding Lucas, Dr. William D. Medina, chairman Bill Moyer, Joseph W. "Bill" Smith and Hall Waddell.
Others who have filled out a form indicating their interest in serving were Greg Burnette, James R. Crafton, David DeBell, Michael W. Earle, William Ralph Freeman Jr., Leroy G. Goldman, Bruce Hatfield, Bernard Francis Leonard Jr., Gerald J. Maier, Lynn Matykiewicz, Eduardo Nunez and Bill O'Connor.