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Landowner seeks rezoning for Cottages at Sugarloaf Meadow

The owners of 31 acres on Sugarloaf Road are seeking a rezoning to allow a 50-home subdivision called The Cottages at Sugarloaf Meadow, county officials said.

The request by Cottages at Sugarloaf Meadows LLC and Claire McConnell comes before the county Technical Review Committee at 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 18. The applicants are proposing to develop a single-family residential development consisting of 50 homes and 53 lots with common area designation and an amenity area and asking for a rezoning to a Conditional Zoning District. Conditional rezonings allows the Board of Commissioners to place conditions on the property to address community concerns and make the proposed development compatible with adjacent uses, county planners said  After the Technical Review Committee checks the plans for compliance with county ordinances, the request go next to the Planning Board.

Cottages at Sugarloaf Meadows LLC bought 29 acres at 1936 Sugarloaf Road for $1,025,000  last September and Claire McConnell bought a 1.7-acre parcel at 1862 Sugarloaf Road for $25,000 in December, tax records show.